Monday, December 22, 2008

Vista Firewall & Port Settings for running a web server

Those who were using windows xp and other previous versions of windows operating system and recently upgraded to windows vista has to note an important point while running the servers. It may work well when you are trying to run the webserver locally, but when you want to share across lan or wan, then you should open the port (80) to the outside world through the windows firewall.

Step 1 : Goto Control Panel, Click / double click on the Windows Firewall in classic view

Step 2 : Click on the left hand side menu "Allow a program through Windows Firewall"

Step 3 : Click on the second tab "Exceptions"

Step 4 : Click on the add port and give the port details and a name.

thanks to chandrasing and his nmap tool which helped me to resolve this problem.

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